At Nintendo's investor Q&A earlier this year, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata was asked whether the Wii U will be able to hold up against Sony and Microsoft's future consoles technically, unlike the Wii, which was disadvantaged when it came to multiplatform games.
"We cannot promise that the Wii U will never be excluded from multiplatform software for eternity," Iwata says, but also that he "[doesn't] necessarily think that the difference between the Wii U and [future consoles from competitors] will be as drastic as what [people] felt it was between the Wii and the other consoles." Iwata also seems to make a subtle dig at graphics whores (my words, not his), saying "Naturally some consumers are very sensitive about such a small difference in graphics" but reaffirms they are doing all they can to "make the most of the performance of the Wii U to keep up with technological innovations and not to make the system out-of-date soon". He also describes the Wii U's non-gaming related features as able to sell the system and "maintain [the Wii U's] competitiveness for a long time".
The actual system specs of the Wii U are unknown, as are the price and launch date, however a November launch is heavily rumoured, as is a price range of USD$250-300.
One investor also complained about the inconvenient location of the Nintendo offices, while another suggested Iwata and Nintendo's developers adventure through a crocodile infested jungle. Yes really, check out the full transcript of the Q&A, available here:
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